Under the jurisdiction of the Fake Booty Investigation (FBI) This website has been confiscated due to an excess of suspiciously large booties.


This domain has been seized by the Fake Booty Investigation (FBI) under a federal warrant from the United Asses District of Buttfornia. Suspected of violating the Proportional Integrity Act (PIA), this site hosted excessive artificially enhanced bootys, breaching national meme laws. For your safety, report any cheeky activity to the Department of Oversized Assets and Meme Regulation (DOAMR) immediately.

CA: 7mgaeLn4B9Cn6qBGeDZSZV4hUAbsArczJssdCxuigFBi

(FBI) Fake Bootie Investigation — (FBI) Fake Bootie Investigation — (FBI) Fake Bootie Investigation — (FBI) Fake Bootie Investigation

This website is purely a parody created for entertainment purposes. It should not be taken seriously or considered as investment advice, a financial project, or any form of professional initiative. All content presented is fictional, and we are not affiliated, endorsed, or associated with any government or legal organization. The sole purpose of this page is humor and meme creation. Any interpretation beyond this context is the responsibility of the user. If you have questions about investments or serious projects, please consult a licensed professional.
